The Midlands Connection Project
Fall 2024 Construction Update
Summer 2024 Construction Update
Spring 2024 Construction Updates
Exit 97 - Rauch Metz Relocation
SCDOT Midlands Connection 2023 Recap
Exit 91 (Columbia Ave) - Exit Ramp Update
Navigating Exit 91
August 2023 Construction Progress Update
May 2023 Construction Progress Update
February 2023 Construction Progress Update
Diverging Diamond Walkthrough
Frequently Asked Questions
What is the project?
The Midlands Connection Project will improve a 16-mile segment of the Interstate 26 roadway system that stretches from Exit 85 in Little Mountain to Exit 101 in Irmo. The Midlands Connection Project will widen the I-26 roadway, modify three interchanges, and replace seven overpass bridges along the Interstate 26 travel corridor. The primary purpose of this project is to provide more capacity and allow vehicles using this section of I-26 to travel more freely with less congestion when the project is completed and into the future. This project has been designed with the South Carolina Department of Transportation’s highest priority in mind. Safety and enhancing safety is our number one job.
How long will construction take?
Construction is scheduled to begin in Spring of 2020 with an anticipated completion date in Fall 2025.
How can I get construction updates about the project?
There are a few places to get construction updates for the project:
- Sign up for My511SC to get email or text alerts about construction updates and traffic conditions in the Midlands Connection Project corridor.
- Check our project website on the Construction Updates page.
- Check our project Twitter for traffic and detour updates at SCDOT Midlands Connection @scdot26midlands.
What process and studies were completed prior to construction?
This project went through the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) process. A NEPA document is required for projects using federal funds. This process provides for informed decision-making, including partners in the process, and considering a wide variety of factors. The NEPA process is essentially an information-gathering and planning tool that is used in the federal decision-making process to better understand the potential impacts of a proposed project on the natural and human environment.
What environmental factors were considered in the design?
A variety of environmental factors are considered throughout the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) process to understand the potential impacts of the project on the natural and human environment. Some of these factors included land use, cultural resources, air quality, natural resources, etc.
Were any significant impacts found?
The NEPA process identified no significant impacts and the Federal Highway Administration issued a ‘Finding of No Significant Impacts’ (FONSI) and Record of Decision for the Midlands Connection Project to move forward into final design and construction.
Will any new entrance and exit ramps be added to I-26 as a part of the project?
No new entrance and exit ramps will be added to I-26 between MM 101 and 85 with this interstate widening project. You can find additional information on the roadway widening, overpass bridge replacement, interchange improvements, weigh station enhancements and noise barriers on the ‘About’ page by hovering your mouse over the tabs below the map.
The project includes widening I-26 from 4 to 6 lanes for approximately 12 miles and from 4 to 8 lanes for approximately 4 miles. Interchange improvements are anticipated at Exit 97 (US 176), Exit 91 (S-48 Columbia Ave.), and Exit 85 (SC 202). Overpass bridge replacements are anticipated at S-58 (Koon Road), S-80 (Shady Grove Road), S-234 (Mt. Vernon Church Road), S-405 (Old Hilton Road), S-49 (Peak Street), S-39 (Holy Trinity Church Road), and S-167 (Parr Road). The project website can be viewed here.
Request for Proposals

Request for Qualifications

Notice to Potential Proposers


Attachment B - Supplemental Project Design Criteria


Hazardous Material



Weigh Station


Project Information Package

Right of Way

Proposal Evaluation Committee Meeting
An I-26 Widening Mile Marker 85-101 Evaluation Committee Meeting will be held on April 30, 2019 at 8:30 am at SCDOT Headquarters in Room G-14. Committee Meeting
An I-26 Widening Mile Marker 85-101 Committee meeting will be held on March 21, 2019 at 10:00 am at SCDOT Headquarters in Room 421. Committee Meeting
Statement of Qualifications Evaluation Team Meetings
An I-26 Widening Mile Marker 85-101 SOQ Evaluation Committee Meeting will be held on May 29th, 2018 at 8:00 am at SCDOT Headquarters in Room G-14. Evaluation Committee Meeting (05/24/18)
Notice to Parties Interested in Providing Design Build Services
Qualifications and/or proposals from any contracting entity must utilize the new ProjectWise electronic proposal submission system. The following information describes the process that teams should follow to access the SCDOT ProjectWise environment for proposal submissions and their respective project data using the new system. Please use this ProjectWise Account Setup & Requirements link to set up accounts.